The 3 things you need to do to lose weight

Most people think that weight loss is about working out and eating healthy, but the truth is: weight loss is about mind & heart transformation.

It’s not just eating more calories than we’re burning; yes, we definitely gain weight if we eat more than we move. But the reality is that we need to look at what’s driving the decisions to eat more, move less, or to consistently choose specific foods.


It’s not the food… there are no chips or cookies that will literally jump out of the cabinet screaming “EAT ME NOW!” There is no double bacon cheeseburger convincing you that this is your only option for food right now and you must finish every last bite. The fact is that we make a choice to eat foods that promote weight gain, bloating, sluggishness, diarrhea or constipation, or any other crappy feeling.


The fact is that we make a choice to eat foods that don’t make us feel good.


We make a choice to not move our bodies, to not exercise, to not go for a walk.


Therefore, simply addressing the symptoms without addressing the root cause - the REASON we make these choices in the first place - is 100% a recipe for inconsistency and inability to maintain your weight loss.


We make these choices to not care for ourselves in the best way possible for a plethora of reasons.


We don’t think we deserve it, we don’t know how, we think it’s too hard, we don’t believe we’re capable, we don’t understand the impact our choices are having, we don’t know how to ask for help, we don’t know how to receive help if we do ask for it, we were never taught to respect ourselves, we think we’re not good enough, thinking about it makes us feel like a failure at life... I could go on and on and on…


When you begin a weight loss program, you need to do 3 things:

  1. You absolutely need to begin a progressive exercise program that helps you build foundational and functional strength. The kind of strength that allows you to move your body freely and comfortably so that when you enter the next phase and start pushing harder, your body is ready to handle it and you don’t get injured.

  2. You need to shift your nutritional habits. You absolutely need to address the way you sit down for a meal - how much time you spend, how many distractions there are, how much are you eating, things like that... as well as what food is on your plate during that meal.

  3. Along with those two, the MOST important thing you can do for yourself in a weight loss program is let go of the fact that you have a weight loss goal and start focusing on the mind and heart transformation.


When we’re not able to manage what’s happening in our hearts and our minds, it shows up in our bodies. It shows up as extra weight, it shows up as chronic inflammation and pain, it shows up as trouble sleeping, it shows up as having no energy, as being bloated…


When we’re not able to manage what’s happening in our hearts and our minds, It. Shows. Up.

Even when we’re doing all of the “right” things like eating healthy and exercising.


However, when you’re doing all of the “right” things AND you’re taking care of your heart and mind… you’re digging into the core values of your life and living intentionally into them… you’re learning how to best integrate self-care into your life… you’re practicing living life more mindfully so that you can stop living on auto-pilot… when you’re working on the heart/mind transformation… THAT is when weight starts coming off and you get to look back and say "oh shit, I just lost 20 lbs".


Because the truth is, at its core, weight loss is about heart and mind transformation.


When you truly BELIEVE that you are worthy and capable you WILL, in turn, take the very best care of your heart, mind, and body, you WILL lose the weight and you WILL keep it off.


Right now I’m offering a 3 month coaching program where we will do EXACTLY that.

We will address all three parts: we will focus on the heart & mind transformation, we will exercise, and we will work on the nutritional habits.

You’ve never done it like this before, that’s why nothing has worked.

Scroll to the bottom and schedule your free call - let’s talk about what you’ve tried, what you’re looking for, and how we can get you exactly that.

Do it now because the spots fill up quickly and you are absolutely worth it.

You completely deserve to feel the way you’ve always wanted to feel in your life.

Here’s what my client Dalia Naser has to say about it: 

"Looking back, some of my great breakthroughs were identifying my relationship with food and how I ignored my body’s cries for help. Low energy, sleeplessness and lack of confidence were just the symptoms, the root causes were something deeper and closer to me. My fears of not having enough to eat. My indulgence in good food because I had been denied for so long. My extreme introversion and anxiety over being looked at, touched, scrutinized. My aversion to asking for help. My distrust of what my body is and can do. I can now practice things that I have learned like: notice and name, breathing before a workout, foam rolling, engaging my core in every movement, having fun with exercise without fear of looking stupid, giving myself permission to rest, valuing consistency in habits not to tic a box but to respect my body, eating to 80% full, living with an abundance mindset (I am enough, I have enough) and so much more!"


If Dalia was able to do it, I know it'll work for you too.

Schedule the call. Let's talk.