When You Keep Falling Off The Wagon

I have witnessed so many people struggle with their health and fitness.

“I just do cardio because I don’t want to get bulky”

“We did a diet and I think we were eating like 5 or 600 calories”

“I just want to be skinny”

“I work out twice a day”

“I eat REALLY healthy; I don’t eat ANY carbs”

“I always pee a little when I sneeze or jump but that’s normal, all my friends have that too!”

“Pregnant women shouldn’t lift heavy weights”

All actual quotes from actual people… I could literally go on FOREVER.

What has been taught by the fitness industry, diet culture, doctors, and supplement companies NEEDS to be unlearned. We need to make room for truth.

Fitness professionals need to show people that they don’t have to live their lives this way anymore. We need to show our kids that building a strong sense of intuition around the way their body moves and the food it needs and wants is what they need to be fit - not starvation diets and punishment workouts.

Oftentimes, people embark on a health and fitness journey because they literally hate their body. They yo-yo diet and yo-yo workout because they get excited, they look smaller and decide to “treat themselves” or take a break or they go on vacation and fall off completely.

My mission is that I want to empower people by coaching them out of the insanity that they’ve been exposed to while teaching them about quality movement and nutrition.

I want to show people that fitness can be fun, enjoyable and really challenging in the most wonderful ways. I want people to learn how to integrate fitness into their lives so the yo-yoing stops and the “falling off the wagon” is no longer a thing because f*** the wagon.

My nutrition coaching is one year long – because it takes time to unlearn all the garbage & learn a new way of thinking about & approaching food. Also, because it’s about WAY MORE than nutrition.

If you’re ready to get rid of that raggedy old wagon and truly start working towards health and fitness, send me a message today – both online and in person training and coaching available.